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Here’s Why You Need Regular Health Check Up For Maintaining Your Health


We visit our doctor once in a while for several causes. Certain people do so when they face a new problem or when they experience unexplainable health issues. Some people do health check ups as a follow-up to a chronic condition. There are relatively few people who regularly visit their doctor for follow-up care to keep track of their health and stay in good health. But a person should visit the doctor only when they’re not well or when the over-the-counter medications aren’t effective in curing their illness. 


Even so, the concept of healthy individuals undergoing regular health check ups is gaining prominence. A lot of employers are mandating annual health check ups for their employees. And more than ever before, there is great appreciation for screening for diseases even if a person is seemingly healthy, at the community level. 


You need to take great care of your body if you wish to stay off from taking medications and rely less on external sources to remain healthy. You should emphasize more on eating healthy food and getting regular exercise. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is something that you should do in your entire life. It’s a lifetime process. A regular visit to your doctor is one of the aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 


health check ups


Importance of Health Check Ups


Prevent Diseases- If you undergo a regular check up of cholesterol and sugar, then you’ll be able to understand the possibility to develop cholesterol or diabetes in the future. Doctors may advise you to reduce the intake of sugar if your blood sugar is borderline. With that, you can keep your health on track. 


Prevents further growth of disease- serious life-threatening disease such as cancer, when diagnosed too late, can be hard to treat. If you undergo routine health check up, your doctor can identify a disease before the disease poses more risk. 


Lowers the chance of complication during treatment- If you’re diagnosed with a disease in its early stage, then there will be less risk during its treatment, in contrast to diagnosis of disease in a late stage. You can recover from any health condition by undergoing a routine health check up. 


Reduce health care costs- In due course, you can save money if you do regular health check ups. Added to that preventive health check ups mitigate the risk of developing chronic medical conditions as well as reduce the risk of undergoing surgeries. 


Increases Lifespan- You can be certain of how healthy you are by undergoing regular body check up. You can also increase your lifespan by making the most of preventive advice as well as following the prescriptions by your doctor. 


health check up

What to Expect During Routine Health Check Up?


You have to prepare for many things when you’re undergoing a health check up. It is advised that you need to take note of any unusual changes with your body and talk about it with the doctor. Undergoing regular health check up is beneficial for the diagnosis of diseases earlier which can be treated immediately. You can expect some of these things during a regular health check up. 


  • Clinical history- For future reference, your doctor will update your medical history constantly during the check up. They will also record preventive procedures that you have undergone earlier such as pap test, immunizations, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and more. 


  • Family health history- If you have a family history of a disease, then you must inform your doctor can deduce the conditions that are hereditary in your family.


  • Your past medical history- Your doctor will assess both the surgeries that you’ve undergone so far, as well as your past medications. 


  • Information about your Lifestyle- Your doctor will review your living conditions at home, where you work, working style and work-life balance. All these things can greatly impact your health. 


  • Your habits: Certain habits can considerably impact your health when you use recreational drugs, tobacco, alcohol or when you have an active lifestyle or sexual habits. 


  • Information on your normal bodily functions- Talk to your doctor about your body functions such as sleeping, vision, eating, hearing and also on bowel movements. 


  • Physical examination- A physical examination is required only when you’re experiencing symptoms of a disease. It’s not feasible to be used as a screening test for healthy individuals who aren’t experiencing any symptoms. 


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Composition of Health Check Up


These are some of the tests that constitute a regular health check up:


  • Physical examination: A physical examination, in general, includes measurement of height, weight, blood pressure as well as checking of pulse rate, and more. 
  • Blood tests: Blood tests help diagnose anaemia, certain infections as well as identifying disease at its early stage. 
  • Lipid panel: The test assesses the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. 
  • Liver function tests: Often used to diagnose liver conditions as well as evaluate liver function. 
  • Kidney function tests: Often used to assess the functioning of the kidney.
  • Blood Sugar: Checks the level of blood glucose in your blood, to 
  • Chest X-ray: An imaging technique that uses electromagnetic waves to produce detailed images of the chest and the organs in that area. 
  • ECG: Records your heart’s electrical activity.
  • Ultrasonography: An imaging technique that uses ultrasound waves to create abdominal structures such as liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas and gallbladder. 
  • Urine Examination: Involves the physical, chemical and microscopic analysis of urine. 


 Frequently Asked Questions


Who should have a regular health check up done?


It has been found that working individuals in the age group of 30 to 65 years have more risk of developing lifestyle diseases. Familial health conditions, unhealthy change in lifestyle as well as sleep deprivation cause minor and severe health problems. So, in due course, you can save money if you do regular health check ups which include cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, blood pressure tests. 


How often is a health check up required?


Based on the health status of an individual, the interval is specific to each individual. Some medical experts suggest bi-annual health check ups for those individuals above the age of 40 and annual health check ups for those below the age of 40. 


health checkups

Do healthy individuals need health check ups?


Regular health check ups are essential for everyone’s health, however healthy and however fit or old they might be. A lot of medical experts recommend undergoing a complete annual health check up for healthy and unhealthy individuals. Several medical experts suggest that doctors can go for a more selective approach to curb medical conditions. 


Why do I need annual health check ups?


Having a routine yearly visit to your doctor is crucial for preventing health issues that can be bigger than you think. With a check up, your doctor can assess your health and identify any disease at the earlier stage itself. With that, your doctor can suggest further treatment based on your problem. Certain diseases are indistinct and you may not experience its symptoms until the disease progresses to the next level. In such cases, a regular visit to the doctor can become a life saving step to many, especially if you follow an unhealthy lifestyle. 


Can a regular health check up help diagnose stress-related diseases?


We live in a fast-paced world with hectic lifestyle and work. This causes a lot of diseases brought on mainly by stress and anxiety. These two factors are related to physical and psychological diseases such as hypertension, mental disorders, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, gastrointestinal diseases and also depression. By undergoing regular health check ups, it is easier to identify these stress-related diseases before they turn too severe.